Meeting Minutes – 9/29/2009

Meeting type: Team of 9
Date: Monday, September 29, 2009 Time: 1:00pm Location: Commerce I
Recorder: Debra Moore
Attendees List
Debra, Susan, Sally, Sue, Salim, George, James, Ryan, Shantell, Nada (for brief announcement)
Agenda Items and Notes

1. Role Rotations

Roles change tomorrow. Will change again after next deliverable on October 19.

New Roles:

PM: Sue

PC: Debra

QA: Sally

WM: George

WSM: Ryan

JOS: Salim

Driver: James

Scribe: Shantell

POC: Susan

Sally presented a plan for future document content and editing to include intermediate checks and balances. Approved by all.

2. Revisions to FEA

Content revised today. Shantell and George will format and Shantell will send to Nada, Kevin and Shahron.

3. Identify milestones associated with briefing report

Next internal due date is Monday, October 5, 2009. We will devise next questions and data sources.

4. Categorize learning assets

Identify specific questions for each learning asset and methodology for how to acquire that information.

Each team member assigned an area to ‘deep dive’

Ryan: ACC

Sally: CLMs

Susan: Performance Support

Salim: Ask a professor; DAU library

Debra: Best Practices Clearinghouse; Integrated Framework Chart

George: Training Courses

Sue: Course Development Process

James: Workforce

Shantell: Acquipedia, Acquiresearch, DAG

Consult A&W readings, p. 23, figure 2.2, Piskurich, Rossett, and Big Six site to design questions/methodologies.

Use whatever organizing method or chart you want for now, but all will collaborate on googledocs to design a template to be used for the Briefing Report.

On Monday, October 5, 2009 bring chart with ‘what we know’ and ‘what we need to know’ for group review.

Action Items
# Task Person responsible Due date

Research your assigned learning assets area and complete what we know and what we need to know chart

All October 5

Shantell and George will finalize FEA and send to Kevin, Nada and Shahron

Shantell, George September 29

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7 10:00 am