Meeting Minutes – 10/07/2009

Meeting type: Team of 9
Date: Monday, October 7, 2009 Time: 9:30am Location: Commerce 1
Recorder: Shantell
Attendees List
Debra, Susan, Sally, Sue, Salim, George, James, Ryan, Shantell
Agenda Items and Notes
  1. All questions were combined from the three logical groups for the DAU visit on 10/8/09.
  • An email will be sent to Jill and Rebecca outlining the agenda for Thursday’s meeting.
  • The agenda will be discussed with Kevin and Nada
  • Individuals are to come up with high-level questions
Action Items
# Task Person responsible Due date
1 Individuals to post high-level questions in Google docs  All October 7
2 Send email to Jill and Rebecca for tomorrow’s meeting Susan/Nada/Kevin October 7