1. Role Changes
Team is to visit the role and responsibility page in the wiki and add insights to help the next person in role rollover
2. Wiki Gardening
Need to add a table of contents or site map to help find documents faster
Use new file naming convention: document type such as Agenda or Meeting followed with a number to chronologically order documents (e.g. Agenda_###_DDMMMYY)
All files should be a link from a page, not just dropped in the files area
Put our ALT resources as subpages to the ALT research folder, for example, create a page for EDUCAUSE
Noted that the wiki is a living site, we can update
3. Upcoming Schedule of Activities
Reviewed our immediate schedule for today and the logistics for the DAU visit
Set Wed agenda and schedule to collect DAU visit findings
4. Faculty Notes
Nada/Kevin will provide individual comments on our portfolios
Schedule: Draft Briefing Report due 27Oct to Kevin/Nada; 29Oct get their comments
Briefing Report needs to get: Clarification of target audience, Confirm second goal is our focus, and scope down the main theme
5. Briefing Report Review – with Faculty
Confirm any personal quotes in the report with that person
Clarify page 3 bullets about what we need for Tue DAU visit
Discussed each report section and revisions noted (see team meeting notes for details)
Need to break our goal into sub-goals with criteria/elements associated with each sub-goal
6. Questions to ask DAU
The team was matrixed to interview DAU members as noted on the Agenda
Each team group developed questions for their DAU person
Recommended reviewing Rossett Ch 6 for questions/communications
7. Miscellaneous
James brought homemade oatmeal cookies… mmm…. good
Suggested that 28Oct be a virtual workday