Meeting Minutes 10/26/2009

Meeting Type Team of 9
Date: October 26, 2009 Time: 9:30am Location: Commerce 1
Recorder: Sue
Attendees List
Debra, Susan, Sally, Sue, Salim, George, James, Ryan, Shantell
Agenda Items and Notes

1. Role Rollover
Each person needs to update roles and responsibilities on the wiki

2. Working with Documents
Discussed the difficulty working in Google doc when there are multiple comments. 
We noted using small group forums has been successful to come up with solution/direction, and then meet as a group so it becomes three groups with good ideas to resolve.

3. Briefing Report – Next Updates
We broke into smaller groups so each group could review one of four summary solutions to identify what we know, what we want to know, and how we propose to get it
Per Dr Clark:
Tue: walk through with Kevin/Nada; few ideas,
Wed: morning for Thursday comments,
Monday: provide to Kevin/Nada

4. Briefing Report – Slides
Tabled – not addressed

Action Items
# Task Person responsible Due date
1 Move all  20Oct notes into Googledocs for team collaboration/collocation all None assigned
2 Create meeting minutes for 20Oct DAU visit (clean up and use wiki entries) Sue None assigned
3 Create a paragraph on what we know, what we need to know per each summary  solution

Select one per group:
Shantell/Salim #1
Sue/James #4

8pm to Sally 26Oct
4 Closing paragraph on what we need to do that reflects all noted “how we propose to get it” Sally and James  
5 Add bullet items to Briefing Report Slides on Googledocs (from last meeting) all None assigned