Project Status Team
- Decided to time agenda items and include designated break times
- Discussed difficulty in working in Google docs for multiple comments
- Noted using small group forums has been successful to come up with solution/direction, and then meet as a group so it becomes three groups with good ideas to resolve, not nine
- Added team roles and responsibilities page so tips, hints, and lessons learned can be added
- Discussed ways to ease finding documents
- Created a new file naming convention
DAU Site Visit
- Prepared questions contextualized to interviewee but focused on roles, technology insertion, and processes
- Collected and collated recorded comments
- Synthesized key points taken from each individual interview
- Synthesized and categorized comments into theme areas
- Restated our goal is still to help DAU improve efficiency and effectiveness by inserting ALTs into learning assets
- Identified four potential areas where the project could focus efforts
- Concurred that regardless of the focus of our efforts, all answers will be research driven
Briefing Report – due 02Nov09
- Preliminary draft report provided to faculty for discussion, comments, and insights
- Updated report based on 20Oct site visit
- Discussed advanced learning technologies and how to present/discuss in the report
- Decided the Action Plan section needs to include possible needs assessment strategies, constituents (personas), and research areas
- Submitted draft to faculty and received comments
DAU Presentation – 05Nov09
- Created a draft PowerPoint template
- Outlined PowerPoint presentation