Status Report – 02/11/2010

Week Ending: February 11, 2010
Recorder: James Turner
I. Activities Accomplished
  • Continued reviewing ACQ 201A and ACQ 201B to provide content for LATIST
  • Began rapid prototyping design considerations for each component of LATIST
  • Hosted Developer/DAU meeting on 04Feb10 to discuss:
    • Design of Prototype
      • The expected functionality of the prototype needs to be defined
      • The prototype requires an intuitive design
    • Use of Platform
      • All Content Management Systems (CMS) have their pros and cons; we need to evaluate and make a decision as to which CMS best fits the client needs/wants.
    • Hosting of Prototype
      • A Decision needs to be made in regards to what server will the prototype be built on (DAU, GMU, or BeanCreative)
    • Action Items
      • DAU: Get 201A design document for GMU; ask about hosting prototype on DAU servers
      • GMU: Finalize lines of communication; become familiar with Basecamp PM software
      • BeanCreative: Prepare spec questions for DAU; get them to Rebecca.
  • Submitted Draft Task Analysis Report for each component of LATIST
II. Planned Activities
  • Submit Final Task Analysis report for each component of LATIST
  • Draft Storyboards/Wireframes for each component of LATIST
III. Upcoming
  • Requirements Document to Developer 04Mar10
  • Draft Research Reports Due 15Mar10