Meeting Minutes-02/24/2010

Meeting Type Team of 9
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Time: 9:30am Location: Commerce 1
Recorder: Sally
Attendees List
Debra, Susan, Sally, Sue, James, Ryan, Shantell, George, Salim
Agenda Items and Not
1. Discuss the DAU contacts for the March 2nd meeting

Team decided to invite the following DAU staff to our March 2 meeting. Team decided it might be better to go to DAU than to have DAU staff come to Commerce 1. Shantell will email to Nada. Suggested invitees include:

Paul Alfieri
Larry Ferreiro
Rebecca Clark
Robert Daugherty
Bill Kobren
Miriam Kohe
Bill Fast

2. Project milestones/deadlines

Team discussed the different project deadlines for planning purposes in EDIT792 and EDIT752 which are as follows:

  • March 4 – requirements document
  • March 24 – Storyboards/wireframes for review
  • March 31 – Final storyboards/wireframes
  • April 14 – Usability test (round 1)
  • April 28 – Final usability test (round 2)
3. Developers’ Requirement document

Team discussed requirements document – agreed to use a modified FRD Template. Template was discussed and modifications to the TOC were made.

Each team will list user requirements by their component to discuss Thursday, 2/25 following the agreed template.

4. Wireframe details

Wireframe requirements were discussed. It was suggested that each team will develop an idea of an overarching LATIST wireframe to be discussed at a later time. As our wireframe drafts are not due until March 24, this task has been shelved for now.

5. Best practice table of explore component

Explore team shared a suggested template for technology best practices documents required for Explore component. Each team member will fill out for the technology they are researching. Due to Explore component March 15.

6. Factors matrix of the select component

Select team shared factors matrix. Sally will provide charts for team members to fill in particular technologies mapped to factors.

Action Items
# Task Person responsible Due date
1 User requirements Each component 2/25
2 Best practices bulleted list Each team member 3/15
3 Factors matrix charts Sally 3/1
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 9:30 am