Meeting Minutes – March 17, 2010

Meeting Type Team of 9
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Recorder: Sally
Attendees List
Debra, Susan, Sally, Sue, James, Ryan, Shantell, George, Salim
Agenda Items and Not
Team agreed we need to get an agreement on the content that we need to generate for Bean so team broke into subteams to discuss. Team of nine reconvened at 10:30.
1. Apply components needs

Based on the team agreement on their meeting dated 17 Feb 2010 on the technologies to be built for the Apply component, the sub teams will produce the following:

Podcast – Team 1

What is it – common craft video or something else describing what podcast is

How to implement – some type of animated how-to build using module 6 ACQ201A

Real world examples  – use end product you create as first example, provide additional three links to external sites where podcasts are used in a learning environment in military, business or higher ed

Practice – html text that would explain production process with suggested software and technical specifications

Casual game – Team 2

What is it – pdf format explaining what a casual game is

How to implement – some type of animated how-to build using ACQ 201 content – Team 2 will choose exact content

Real world examples of use – use end product you create as first example, provide additional three links to external sites where casual games are used in a learning environment in military, business or higher ed

Practice – hyperlink to external website that allows users to practice building casual games – one or more links

Blogs – Team 3

What is it – common craft video on blogs

How to implement – Camtasia to show creation of a blog using content from ACQ 201B, module 2

Real world examples of use – use end product as example (wordpress) and three links to external site

Practice – take to wordpress to build out blog

James suggested that team members frontload the adv/disadv, best practices, factors, etc for their technology asap and suggested that subteams start working on wireframes and storyboards for their demonstration technology as soon as other requirement deadlines for other teams are met. All agreed.

2.Team 1 needs – Adv/Disadv/BP/Literature

  • Team 1 wants to include factors chart in explore component for each individual technology – team 2 will share factors matrix with team 1 to create this.
  • Everyone needs to do the adv/disadv/bp in the format previously provided. Team 1 will provide templates for team members to populate and will post them on the wiki under the Team 1 content section. Sue will create new folders in wiki to organize LATIST content. Team 1 also needs literature suggestions as requested
  • Adv/disadv/BP and five recommended articles to team 1 by Monday March 22 COB
3. Team 2 needs – factors matrix and decision widget help

  • Team members need to validate strategies to technologies. Team 2 will put this in GoogleDocs and request possible other tasks for team – will be on GoogleDocs by weds evening – needed back from team members by 5pm Thursday
  • Team 2 will define further the factors terms and team members will fill in matrix as provided in GoogleDoc – back from team members by 5pm Thursday
Action Items
1 Team 1 – Adv/disadv/BP and five recommended articles to team 1 Everyone Monday March 22 COB
2 Team 2 – strategies information and factors matrix information Everyone Thursday March 18 COB
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:30 am