Meeting Minutes – 3/31/2010

Meeting Type Team of 9, plus Faculty for part of meeting
Date:  March 31, 2010 Time: 9:30-11:30 AM Location: Commerce 1
Recorder:  Sally
Attendees List
Debra, Susan, Sally, Sue, Salim, George, James, Ryan, Shantell,
Agenda Items and Notes
1.  Usability tests

Team discussed schedule for usability test

  • Need to figure out who we need to use for our second usability test
  • First usability test – Rebecca, Jill, Karen Byrd
  • What’s the purpose of usability test one? First feedback on incomplete prototype to make sure we’re going down the right path. To assess our current status, is the content appropriate, feedback on navigation, initial functionality, organization of content.
  • First usability test plan walkthrough in Shahron’s class on April 7. First usability test sent to Rebecca, Jill, Karen on April 8. We’ll ask Nada to contact them and tell them what the plan is.
  • Usability test feedback to Bean by April 12.
  • Over this weekend, each team puts together their own idea of tasks for users to do in the first usability test in their subcomponent, as well as suggested questions.

Tuesday April 6 – we’ll spend time as a team creating first usability test and usability testing plan.

2. Discussion of design document

  • Sue went over what’s in the wiki at this point – she’s been adding thoughts/suggestions as we go along.
  • Ryan said that the requirements can be submitted to any developer and we will include a page for future enhancements.
  • Components of the Requirements Document – these are on the Wiki
  • Need to draft a section of what LATIST is
  • A synthesis of all teams’ content/task analyses will be created for the design doc

Draft design document due April 22. Discussed Interview Responsibilities at DAU

3. Created subgroups for remaining deliverables

  1. Design document – written document requiring lots of writing and editing
  2. Usability test plan – team will write up evaluation section
  3. Final presentation – team will create presentation and decide how it will be presented

Three teams

Design document – Sally, Sue, Debra

Final presentation – Conrad, Salim, Shantell

Usability – Ryan, George, James

Each team will:

  • Gather info from others
  • Decide on format
  • Edit/proofread
  • Write as required
  • Analyze, synthesize, summarize

Anything else as required.

Action Items
# Task Person responsible Due date
1 First usability test plan walk through in Shahron’s class Team April 7th, 2010
2 Usability test feedback to Bean Team April 12th, 2010
3 Draft design document due Team April 22nd, 2010
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 9:30 AM